Postaday2011/Postaweek2011 Project

So here I am, lying in bed on a lazy Sunday morning thinking about what to write for my blog.

I was thinking about updating the Life of Mike diary posts for the last six months but have decided against this as it’s very dull. (If you’re interested in what’s been happening I’ll summarise it in one word Work.)

So anyway, I hit the internet in search of ideas for posts and stumbled upon the postaday2011/postaweek2011 project website (Daily Post Project) put together by the good people at WordPress.

It’s an attempt by WordPress to encourage occassional bloggers like myself to blog more by giving us ideas on what to write, and advice on writing styles and how to manage the workload.

I’m going to use some of these ideas for my blog. Not sure whether I’m going to be posting everyday, but I’ll certainly try and post at least once a week.

Right, enough of the talking, time to write something hopefully funny and interesting.
