Funny YouTube Music Videos

A little bored so I thought I’d share with you some of my favourite funny/parody music videos.

5. Team Hinoi – Night of Fire

This video features Japanese wrestler and comedian Korikki Ch?sh? who sings and dances with the Team Hinoi girls, I think he steals the show. It’s a cover of a Bratt Sinclaire Eurobeat track done in the para para style.

4. She’s Too Good For Everyone

Here’s another video from BreakOriginals youtube channel featuring Mike Polk. It’s about a normal guys attempt to get the girl of his dreams by basically doing everything she says. He knows he’s being used but still believes he’s still got a chance. (Basically the story of my life)

3. Harry Potter & The Steamy Slow Jam!

From the guys at The Key of Awesome.

It’s what happens when wizards get horney. Ooh err Missus

2. Motherlover (feat Justin Timberlake) & 3 Way (The Golden Rule) ( feat Justin Timeberlake & Lady Gaga) – Not Safe For Work (unless where you work don’t mind swearing)

Both these videos are from The Lonely Island and feature some of their famous friends. I realise that some people might be offended by these videos, so if swearing & sexual humour offend you please don’t watch.

1.Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton)

Another video from The Lonely Island this one featuring Michael Bolton. Who’d have thought he had a sense of humour?

I hope you enjoyed them as much as me.
