My Sober for October Challenge – The Halfway House

I’m 15 days into my Macmillan Cancer Support Sober October challenge, the halfway house if you like. I thought I’d give a little update on how I’m coping and anything I’ve learned from 15 days of sobriety.

Actually, not drinking alcohol isn’t really a problem. I’m more than happy going out into pubs and ordering soft drinks. I don’t feel any pressure to have a beer, and I think my friends know it would be useless trying to persuade me, as I can be very bloody-minded when the mood takes me. Also, the whole I need a beer to relax argument is not something I subscribe to.

So, what have I learned from 15 days of sobriety?

In all honesty, not much. However, I definitely feel more mentally agile and less lethargic. Hopefully, by the end of October, I’ll have noticed more changes. One of the benefits Macmillan suggests is a healthier bank balance. I can’t say for me this is true, as I’m forever buying myself little presents with the money I perceive I’ve saved by not drinking.

Anyway, if you’d like to donate to my Sober for October Challenge and help me through my sobriety raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support, please text ISHY77 followed by the amount you wish to donate (£1 up to £10) to 70070.

Alternatively, simply follow this link to my page on the Go Sober website and donate via credit card or PayPal.

Many Thanks,

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