I recently wrote a post about why my blog’s domain is MichaelIsherwood.com instead of MikeIsherwood.com. I also shared my dislike of being called Mick. (Original Post Here)
I recently wrote a post about why my blog’s domain is MichaelIsherwood.com instead of MikeIsherwood.com. I also shared my dislike of being called Mick. (Original Post Here)
Over the years, I’ve been called many names—Michael, Mike, Mikey, Mikey D, Isherwood, Little Ish, Penfold, Tottenham, StellaMan, MadriMan, and my personal favourite … that c**t. But there’s one name I absolutely won’t answer to: Mick! I distinctly remember my mother telling me as a child, that my name was Mike or Michael, and not to let anyone call me Mick, as Mick’s a dog’s name. She has since clarified that she thinks Mick sounds common and therefore doesn’t like the name or anyone called Mick, she thinks they’re scum. (She didn’t say the last bit before any Micks get on their high horse.)
So, back in 2009, when I decided to start a blog, I only looked for domains with either Mike Isherwood or Michael Isherwood—preferably .com or .co.uk. My preference was MikeIsherwood.com as I will always introduce myself as Mike, the blog is meant to be about my thoughts and ramblings, and Michael is a bit official, in fact, the only people who call me Michael are my parents and officials i.e. Doctors, Dentists etc. Unfortunately, MikeIsherwood.com and co.uk were taken therefore I had no option but to choose Michaelisherwood.com, annoying but not the end of the world.
It’s that time of year again! You can’t step into a shop or pub without hearing Mariah Carey belting out All I Want for Christmas Is You on repeat or Slade’s Noddy Holder screaming “It’s Christmas!” like an overexcited toddler.
With the festive season in full swing, I thought, why not try writing my own Christmas song? And with the help of AI, I decided to give it a go.
Here’s the initial prompt I used (slightly annoyed by the spelling mistake, but thankfully ChatGPT isn’t a grammar nazi):
Where does the time go?
In January I joined the WordPress Bloganuary challenge, which was to post a blog post every day in January based upon the daily writing prompts they provided.
Well, I failed the challenge. I only managed to write posts for the first 12 days. (See below)